Research Model
Silverdale Elementary utilizes a standard research model for all students, K-5th grade. The purpose of a standard research model is to teach students a research process that will serve them well for a lifetime of answering questions and sharing their findings.
Kindergarten - 2nd grade students utilize the Super 3 Research Model. The Super 3 is a simplified version of the Big 6 Research Model which is designed for 3rd - 5th grade students.
NCWiseOwl is a reliable, age-appropriate research resource provided by the NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). NCDPI strives to ensure that all public school NC students have access to a collection of online resources for use in educational pursuits, without regard to the economic status of their local school system. NCWiseOwl has three major strengths as an educational resource:
QUALITY - Information on the Internet at-large is often unreliable and inappropriate for use in the K-12 education field. NCWiseOwl’s subscription databases provide access to articles from thousands of magazines, from online encyclopedias and reference sources, and from a variety of other sources that are only available through subscription services.
ECONOMY - By purchasing databases at the state level we are able to achieve an economy-of-scale that saves hundreds of thousands of dollars over the cost of individual units purchasing the same resources.
RELIABILITY - Using NCWiseOwl for online research places students in a safer, advertising-free environment with age-appropriate information and tools that assist students with the research process. NCWiseOwl resources are available anywhere that Internet access is provided. School systems may register their networks so that no passwords are required when using devices on campus. A password (wiseowl20) is required for off-campus use.